4 Types of Love Relationships

4 Types of Love Relationships

4 Types of Love Relationships | Love is both overused and underappreciated in today’s world. We have an affection for everything including different kinds of food, automobiles, movies shops and even God. Because of the increasing informality of our speech we might not always be aware of the distinctions between different uses of the word love but it’s still necessary to make an effort to recognize them.  Also checkout our detailed article on Secret to a Loving Life With a Youthful Mindset

Scripture clearly states that love is the greatest quality. Now let’s examine the 4 Types of Love Relationships mentioned in the Bible that C. S. Lewis explores in his 1960 book The 4 Types of Love Relationships which was based on a radio series he did with the BBC a few years before the book hit stores. 

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”

_ Corinthians 13:1-3

What Are the 4 Types of Love Relationships and Their Meaning

Passionate Love: Eros

Let’s just get that one out of the way first of 4 Types of Love Relationships. Eros is passionate sensual or erotic love. Often it comes down to need and the person experiencing sexual attraction is more important than the object or person the love is focused on. It can become compulsive. Both immense happiness and immense sorrow may result from it. It isn’t always beneficial to you. The unfulfilled desire for sensual love breaks more hearts on Valentines Day.

Lewis states that lovers are normally face to face absorbed in each other and are always talking to one another about their love in contrast to buddies. In romantic love the risk lies in heedlessly pursuing an intense emotion. Afterwards we rejoice in the ardor and assume that its loss signifies the demise of such love. True love is undoubtedly not that erratic.

Even so, the sensation is beneficial. According to Lewis, the experience of falling in love is of such a nature that we are right to reject as intolerable the idea that it should be transitory. The enormous wall of our selfhood has been surmounted by it in one swift step; it has elevated the interests of another above our own, turned hunger into a selfless drive and cast aside our own happiness.

We have spontaneously and unintentionally obeyed the law (with regard to one individual) by loving our neighbor as ourselves. It’s a picture of what we will all turn into if Love Himself is the only power ruling us. For a reason the Bible teaches that the relationship between a man and a woman found in Genesis onward is a representation of God’s love for the world and for Christ’s bride the church.

We will be more justified in holding our spouse up as the embodiment of unwavering love once we rediscover the profoundly ingrained romanticism that lies beneath the superficiality of our society. 

Love of Companions and Peers: Philia

It could represent a long-term relationship where the partners are no longer as hot and bothered by each other. As in the city of Philadelphia it is also known as brotherly love. The city of affectionate brotherhood. Of course it could be the accepting love of a good friendship or sisterly love. Your health will benefit from this kind of love. the affectionate touch of a loved one.

The philia touch makes blood pressure go down. Intimate partners experience fewer medical visits, shorter hospital stays, less pain and an abundance of happy feelings. Love and caring friendships have many beneficial effects including strengthening our resilience in difficult circumstances. Love rejected is friendship.

According to Lewis Friendship seemed to the Ancients to be the crown of life and the school of virtue, the happiest and most fully human of all loves. Comparatively speaking the modern world disregards it. We could live without it but why? Maybe because we know it’s the least exciting, least time-consuming task. Lewis states that few value it because few experience it which may also apply.

Charity gives us a path to redemption, romance lends itself to conception and affection gives us a sense of place and belonging. To put it in the perspective of a consumer however friendship doesn’t offer the same amount of productivity. Lewis however believes that friendship most likely resembles Heaven where our relationships will entwine. We bond over a shared experience and our desire for companionship increases the desire for friendship.

Lewis asserts that friendships require a common interest even if it’s just a simple fondness for dominoes or white mice. Those with nothing can’t share anything and those heading nowhere can’t have any companions. Also consider this. Friendships have sparked religious movements, expanded philosophical horizons and aided in numerous endeavors ranging from business ventures to artistic endeavors. 

A Parents Love For Their Kid: Storage

Mothers understand love the best but when we talk about love we don’t talk about it too much. It is a parent’s love for their child. It’s called the most innate love. It is natural in the sense that it does not corrode. It is emitted because we are powerless to stop ourselves and because it gives the least thought to whether the other person is deserving of love.

In philia love those fleeting behaviors are frequently not accepted. Women for instance are capable of loving their children in spite of truly terrible actions. actions they wouldn’t put up with in their wives or girlfriends. It appears out of nowhere when caring for a newborn and develops to let us love our kids in spite of their actions.

I am very grateful for that. In many respects compared to the loving love philia which may not be as hot wired it is most likely a genetically predetermined and hardwired love. Various loves are covered by affection. Similar to how pets are cared for, a mothers love for her child is evident. It is predicated on the known and anticipated. Lewis characterizes it as modest. According to him, Affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives.

Affection can live alongside other loves and often does it lives with simple undressed private things, soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the sound of a sewing machine and a sleepy dog’s tail on the kitchen floor. . For instance when a man and woman fall in love it’s frequently due to specific affections that start to surround them and make love an expected and comfortable aspect of their shared life.

These affections might be location, experience, personality or interest. It’s the familiarity of the people thrown together in the ship, the religious house, the college, the family according to Lewis. Most of the love we experience even if we don’t call it love is the affection for the people who are always there for us in the ordinary course of life. 

The Love of Humanity: Agape

This 4 Types of Love Relationships Based on the love that exists between God and humans in Christianity. Whether or not love is returned is what matters. It is love devoid of self-interest. It is the fundamental tenet of loving kindness for all people in the Buddhist tradition.

Forgiveness is a process that requires this kind of love. Your health depends on your ability to forgive as the lack of forgiveness is linked to anger and a host of negative health consequences. Although love sets a very high standard it might also be the cornerstone of contentment and happiness. I therefore hope you understand if you are organizing a Valentine’s Day celebration of your sensual love.

Humans can typically only feel sensual love for one person at a time which is good news for your wallet. It therefore refers to a single card. Excellent for you. I hope you have plenty of cards that make you smile and that you receive lots of cards back if you’re planning to give them to your loved ones for Philia.

You’re probably just planning on making some heart-shaped cookies for your kids if you’re making cards for your special someone. Good luck if you’re planning to send cards to your adoring partners. To send a card to every person on the planet you will go over budget and use the postal service. However on this Valentines Day let us spare a few minutes to send a small thought of love and peace to everyone. We appreciate you being here on The Scope.

4 Types of Love Relationships Psychology


This 4 Types of Love Relationships involves a sense of closeness and intimacy as well as mutual knowledge. But dedication and passion aren’t. Partners are at ease being authentic and sharing private information. They might believe that the other person who is familiar with them can be frank with them and will correct them if they believe they are mistaken.

Friendships bind these partners. If on the other hand you are attracted to your partner and are looking for a romantic relationship, hearing that they think of you as a friend can be crushing. 


Possibly this is Sternberg’s interpretation of love at first sight infatuation. Instantaneous strong physical attraction to someone is the hallmark of infatuation. It’s difficult for someone who is infatuated to think about anyone else but the other person.

One may find it difficult to eat and experience a persistent state of arousal as a result of replaying fleeting encounters in their minds. However infatuation is not very long-lasting; it can last for a few months or up to a year. Chemical attraction and preconceived notions about each other’s personalities usually serve as the foundation.

Romantic Love

This type of love out of 4 Types of Love Relationships has intimacy and passion but it is non-committal. The couple enjoys their closeness and spends a lot of time together but they don’t have any plans to stick together forever. The reasons for this could be that they are afraid their passion and closeness will fade if they commit to each other and begin to prioritize other responsibilities or they are simply unable to make such commitments. 

Companionate Love

Commitment and intimacy are the defining characteristics of companionate love. Couples are devoted to remaining together and show each other love and respect. However it’s possible that their physical attraction was never very strong or that it simply faded away.

There might be a sense of loss and regret or this could be seen as just the way things are after spending so much time together. In spite of this, partners are devoted to one another and are close friends. 

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