How Well Do You Know Me Questions

How Well Do You Know Me Questions

It’s Friday night you’ve prepared everyone’s favorite snacks, you’re at home with your closest pals and you’re just ready to have fun. Instead of staying up late watching TV you’ve made the decision to mix things up a little. Also checkout our latest article on Am I A Narcissist | Am I A Narcissist Quiz

It’s a great way to get to know people even better if you know them already by asking How Well Do You Know Me Questions ? for a few rounds. The groups simple rules are as follows: each person asks a question of the others and they answer with their best estimate. 

You might be shocked by their answers even though you might think that those around you are the ones who know you the best. It could also be like playing a game of memory as you discover things about yourself that you may have forgotten. You’ve come to the right place if you need assistance thinking of questions to ask. 

A fun selection of 100 How Well Do You Know Me Questions will allow you to determine How Well Do You Know Me Questions ? Gather your friends and family and continue reading. 

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Family | 100 How Well Do You Know Me Questions

1. What color are my eyes? (It goes without saying that this is a question best answered with your eyes closed. ). 

2. Which season is the least enjoyable to me each year? 

3. Which is my favorite time of year?

4. What item in my home is my favorite? 

5. Which store is my favorite place to buy? 

6. Who is the shyest person I’ve ever met? 

7. Which book or author if you can’t decide is my favorite? 

8. What genre is my favorite music? 

9. You could never catch me listening to what kind of music?

10. What is my least favorite chore to complete? 

11. Which color is my fave? 

12. What day of the week is my favorite? 

13. In my spare time what activities do I enjoy doing? 

14. Android or iPhone? 

In 15. Which style is my favorite?

16. Which location is my favorite for reading? 

17. Which scent is my favorite? 

18. (Bonus points if they know what it is!) Do I have a bedtime? 

19. What is my preferred park activity? 

20. Which television program is my favorite to watch? 

21. If I could embody any character from a novel television series or film who would I be?

22. What interests me as a hobby? 

23. Which hand am I holding? 

24. Do I snore? 

25. Which educator was my favorite?

26. Describe your earliest memory. 

27. Growing up did I wear braces? 

28. Who was the best friend I had in childhood? 

29. Did I think that friends in the clouds existed? 

30. Which plush animal was my favorite as a kid? 

31. What was my biggest fear as a child? 

32. When I was younger, which sports did I play?

33. What is the worst thing I can remember from my early years? 

34. Was I more of a build-a-fort or play-in-the-mud kid? 3

35. Which academic subject was my favorite? 

36. Which game hide and seek or tag was I better at? 

37. When I was younger what was my favorite snack? 

38. In my youth what did I believe I could get away with?

39. When I was younger did I do well in school? 

40. Who was my pet as a child?

41. Whom do I most resemble in my family? 

42. How many animals do I want? 

43. Which member of my family most resembles me? 

44. What quality of my family do I like the most? 

45. How did I seem when I was younger? 

46. Do my family and I get along well? 

47. Will I one day wish to have a big family? 

48. Which cousin is my best?

49. Does spending time with my family appeal to me? 

50. What’s the middle name I go by? 

51. What do I think the real definition of family is? 

52. What did I enjoy doing the least when I was a child with my family? 

53. What did I enjoy doing the most as a child with my family? 

54. What is the name of my pet?

55. Do I resemble my father or mother more? 

56. Did I have the best grandchild status? 

57. Do I want a family or pets? 

58. Were my parents strict parents? 

59. What household tasks did I have to complete as a child? 

60. When was the last time I attended a reunion of my family?

61. Do I have a favorite ice cream flavor? 

62. What is my opinion of waffles? 

63. Which food is my all-time favorite to eat?

64. Do they know which vegetable I prefer? (Bonus points if they do!).

65. Which kind of pizza is my favorite? 

66. Which kind of cookie would I choose to eat exclusively for the rest of my life? 

67. Which do I like better: savory or sweet foods? 

68. What kind of cheese do I prefer?

69. Do I prefer beer or wine? 

70. Which do I prefer: eating in or out? 

71. Which restaurant is my top choice? 

72. Which candies are my favorites? 

73. Which recipe do I cook the best? 

74. Which would I rather do: bake or cook? 

75. Can I operate a grill?

76. Is there anything you think I’m field dressing? 

77. Do I enjoy going grocery shopping? 

78. What kind of food could I eat all day long? 

79. Do I have dietary sensitivities?

80. Is there a restaurant that I particularly enjoy eating at? On the sofa in bed etc. ). 

81. Which location would I choose to live in if I had to? 

82. Where am I the most at ease right now? 

83. After I graduated from high school, where did I go? 

84. Have I ever taken a cruise? If they can tell me about an experience they had that would be extra credit. 

85. What is the farthest I have ever driven? 

86. Has my nationality been compromised? 

87. Are you a fan of hiking? 

88. Should I travel on a tight budget or treat myself to the most luxurious accommodations? 

89. Where have I always wanted to go but never had the chance to visit? 

90. How many suitcases should I bring on a trip?

91. When planning a vacation should I pay for them with a credit card or with savings? 92. When traveling, should I bring everything I’ll need or buy it there? 

93. Which holiday is my best-ever experience taking? 

94. Do I currently have any travel arrangements? 

95. To what destination would I never want to travel?What say I about frilly toothpicks? 96.What is the first thing I do when I wake up? 

97. What do I usually do as my last evening activity? 

98. What size clothes should I buy? 

99. How do I make you laugh exactly?

100. Which noise is the least enjoyable to me? 

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Friends | How Well Do You Know Me Questions

Try asking your friends these How Well Do You Know Me Questions to see how well-informed they are about your interests. 

  1. What food is my favorite?
  2. Which hobby is my favorite?
  3. What would my ideal vacation look like?
  4. Is tea or coffee my preference?
  5. Which holiday is my favorite?
  6. Which television program is my favorite?
  7. Which foods do I detest eating?
  8. What is the number of languages I speak?
  9. To which countries would I relocate?
  10. Which animal would I choose to be if I could be any kind of animal?
  11. My love language: what is it?
  12. Hey, who’s my best buddy?
  13. Would I say that I like pizza?
  14. I want to have dinner with which historical figure?
  15. What sport is my favorite?
  16. When I’m anxious, where do I like to go?
  17. Which grocery store is my favorite?
  18. What is my proudest achievement to date?
  19. Which three of my possessions would I keep if I had to sell everything else?
  20. Do you have any hobbies that I should pursue?
  21. What would I post on my YouTube channel if I had one?
  22. To what destination do I wish to go?
  23. Which spices am I most excited to use in the kitchen?
  24. Which superpower, if any, would I choose?
  25. Which color if I could only wear one for the rest of my life would I wear?
  26. Which invention do you wish you could make?
  27. What do I enjoy doing the most with my friends?
  28. What kind of book would I write if I had one?
  29. Which series or book is my favorite?
  30. What music is my favorite?
  31. And what animal is my favorite?
  32. What joke is my favorite?
  33. Which comedy is my favorite?
  34. Who would I haunt as a ghost if I could?
  35. What date did I have the worst?
  36. Tell me about my most peculiar habit?
  37. Should an alien materialize at this moment what would I say to it?
  38. If my pets could talk, what words would I use to communicate with them?
  39. What is the most insane thing I have ever done?
  40. What was my high school senior prank?
  41. Which of my stories is the funniest?
  42. Which meme is my personal fave?
  43. What would I go viral for if at all?
  44. Should I eat toast or eggs?
  45. Which would I prefer: losing every item of clothing or every shoe?
  46. If everyone were my friends or would I rather they were all envious of me?
  47. Which would I prefer: a famous movie extra or a reality TV star?
  48. Is loyalty or humor my preference? 

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Couples | How Well Do You Know Me Questions

One of the most important things about developing closeness in a close relationship is often getting to know your partner better. Throughout your time together you might want to find out if your partner has noticed any details you’ve shared. 

If this is the case, having a conversation with your partner about how well you know me can be an enjoyable way to build rapport and find out how well they recall what you’ve said. Also it could highlight your partner’s distinct viewpoint which you might not have given much thought to when considering yourself. 

You might discover more about yourself in the process if you let your partner ask the same questions back. These conversation starters can help you and your partner become more connected, strengthening and strengthening your relationship. Aske these How Well Do You Know Me Questions to your spouse:

  1. What is my greatest fantasy?
  2. Which color is my favorite?
  3. What objectives do I hope to fulfill this year?
  4. When I was a kid what did I want to be?
  5. What is my favorite thing to do when we are together?
  6. In what place was I born?
  7. Which instructor was my favorite?
  8. Which band was my favorite in high school?
  9. Which sibling am I most fond of?
  10. Which flavor of ice cream is my personal fave?
  11. Which vacation did I enjoy the most?
  12. My middle name is what?
  13. If everything went wrong in my life with whom would I talk?
  14. If we were marooned on an island, which three things would I pack?
  15. My parents called me by what nicknames?
  16. What would be my ideal job?
  17. What job did I have first?
  18. I want to give my children that name?
  19. Which size shoes do I wear?
  20. Do I prefer cats or dogs?
  21. I recently finished reading which book?
  22. Whom do I relate to the most in my family?
  23. Do I have any musical training?
  24. If I were to make a donation, which charity would I choose?
  25. Which animal, if any, would I choose to keep as a pet?
  26. How do you think I discuss you with my family and friends?
  27. What is the number of friends that I would consider close?
  28. How are you perceived by my friends?
  29. What sign is the zodiac for me?
  30. Which type of flower is my favorite?
  31. What would I start if I were an entrepreneur?
  32. What did I think of you at first glance?
  33. My greatest role model is who?
  34. Where is my favorite spot to go when I’m depressed?
  35. Which activity do I enjoy doing the most with you?
  36. What do I think my purpose in life is?
  37. In the last five years what challenge have I overcome?
  38. What fear do I have the most?
  39. Which celebrity motivates me?
  40. What other nation would I like to travel to and why?
  41. If I were to get married, what kind of union would I like?
  42. What aspect of our relationship would I like to see more of?
  43. How have I changed as a person since we first spoke?
  44. Five years from now where do I see us?
  45. What annoys me the most?
  46. What is it about me that I love most?
  47. Which political climates do I think are currently in?
  48. Do you believe I would make an excellent president of the United States?
  49. Would I put my life in danger for anyone?
  50. I am inspired by what above all else?
  51. If I possessed infinite wealth how would I spend it?
  52. On our first date what did I enjoy the most?
  53. In our relationship who took the initiative?
  54. Which embarrassing memory do I have the most?
  55. Which secret do you keep that only you know?
  56. Have I ever experienced something close to death?
  57. Do I have any criminal history?
  58. Which things do I really want to do?
  59. My first kisser was who?
  60. Have I ever been in a difficult relationship?
  61. What is the one thing I regret the most?
  62. What caused my previous relationship to end?
  63. In relationships what do I value? 

Finally you can improve your relationship with your partner, friends and family by posing How Well Do You Know Me Questions. You can ask How Well Do You Know Me Questions with your significant other family and friends. 

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