10 Uplifting Quotes for Thanksgiving

10 Uplifting Quotes for Thanksgiving

November is the month of Thanksgiving. This month, help people in and around your organization to focus on God’s goodness and all that we have to be thankful for. Thanksgiving can be an emotional holiday. You might have a funny list of Thanksgiving quotes from past family dinners that aren’t fit for publication. 

Embrace gratitude with our hand-picked Gratitude words. At Personal House, we believe in celebrating important moments. Here on the blog, you’ll find inspiration, warmth and exclusive offers as we delve deeper into expressing gratitude. 

What day is Thanksgiving? Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a yearly government occasion in the US that is commended on the fourth Thursday of November and is set apart by articulations of thanksgiving and a customary banquet that typically incorporates cook turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin. 

As we approach the time of thanksgiving, understanding the reason for thanksgiving is vital. Jump into the core of the merriments and rise above custom to find the more profound significance of this lofty occasion.

The Origins of Thanksgiving

Take a historical journey to discover the true history of Thanksgiving. Discover the fascinating origins of this day , from its humble beginnings to its beloved tradition. Arrival of the PilgrimsIn 1620, the Pilgrims sought religious freedom and landed at Plymouth Rock. Facing a harsh winter, the Indians, including Squanto, helped them, fostering a bond that culminated in the first Harvest Festival.

These are the memories you should keep forever. But if you’re looking for a little help getting through the day, Here are some of my favourite quotes:

  • Grateful hearts gather for Thanksgiving.I wish you love and gratitude.
  • Family, friends and gratitude – the perfect recipe.
  • May your blessings be more than autumn leaves.
  • Give thanks with a grateful heart and a full plate.
  • Where Calories Don’t Count! Turkey and Thanksgiving on today’s menu.
  • Eat, drink and be thankful. Gratitude changes what we have enough.
  • Blessings as abundant as slices of pumpkin pie.
  • Autumn leaves and grateful hearts never fall alone.
  • Let us fill our hearts with gratitude this Thanksgiving.
  • Family is the spice of life.
  • Being grateful for the little things warms the soul.
  • Making memories around the Thanksgiving table..

Here are 10 of my personal inspirational Quotes for Thanksgiving by different Authors about sharing the love and feeling grateful.

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy 

“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” – William Faulkner

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.” – Henry Van Dyke

“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.”  – Charles Schwab

“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” – Buddha

“Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Things to Consider When Writing Quotes for Thanksgiving

Creating wishes requires thought and creativity. Whether it’s friends, family or colleagues, consider these key elements to ensure your message resonates and truly captures the spirit of gratitude.

Understanding Your Audience

You can create effective quotes by tailoring your message to your audience. Think about their values, traditions and the nature of your relationship. A personal touch increases the sincerity of your gratitude.

Embodying Shared Memories

Share shared memories with sayings for unique gifts that evoke nostalgia and strengthen emotional bonds. Remembering cherished moments deepens your appreciation for the bond you share.

Balance of Gratitude and Positivity

Find a balance between expressing gratitude and adding positivity to quotes. Aim to uplift and inspire by creating a message that not only acknowledges gratitude, but also radiates warmth and optimism.

Creativity and Originality

Stand out by adding creativity and originality to your phrases. Avoid clichés and explore unique ways to express your appreciation. A fresh and inventive approach will make your message memorable.

Tone Customization

Adjust the tone of words to suit the occasion. Whether it’s a formal gathering or a casual party, tailoring your message to suit the mood will ensure that your thank you really rings true in the moment. 

30 Day Kindness Challenge

30 Day Kindness Challenge

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for  you.

 – Princess Diana

30 Day Kindness Challenge

Table of Contents

Life can be stressful and hectic, and it’s easy to forget to take a moment to be kind to others. But do you know that doing something nice for someone can actually makes you happier and more relaxed? That’s why we created the 30 Days Kindness Challenge for you and people out there , an easy way to practice kindness into your daily chores.

Imagine a leaking faucet. Imagine a rhythmic drop, drop, droplet of water dripping from the needle. Each drop may seem insignificant, but it clogs the drain and soon the drops become a puddle. . . this puddle becomes a pond. . . and that pond becomes a flood. Kindness works the same way.In a world full of heartache and hardship, “being kind” can seem boring. However, the Lord knew what He was doing when He commanded us to be kind to one another (Eph. 4:32).

It can be as simple as holding a door for someone with their hands full, or raking a neighbor’s leaves that have been sitting around since fall. You can buy a cup of coffee for a coworker who doesn’t have change for the cat in the break room, or make a donation to your favorite charity like Serve the City. Take this challenge and makes someone’s day with your act of kindness.

Here is 30 day kindness challenge that will give you an idea of ​​what you can do for others:

30 Day Kindness Challenge | Day 1:  Thank Someone

Give someone a sincere compliment. It could be because of their looks or something they did well. True courtesy causes us to look for the good in others. It helps us notice little things around us and appreciating life and make us see how good of a person we can become.. We also become a magnet for people who simply love to respect and appreciate them.

Day 2: Recycle

Take some time to properly sort your recycled items, or even offer to help someone else with theirs. By recycling, we create a healthier atmosphere for ourselves and future generations. Save natural resources: Recycling reduces the need to extract resources such as wood, water and minerals for new products.

Day 3: Give Someone a Smile 

Draw a simple smiley face on a piece of paper and give it to someone who could use a little cheer. A genuine smile shared with another person can make the other person smile, feel better, and feel better about their situation – even if it’s just for a moment! Smiling also affects how others see us, as people usually associate a smile with positive emotions such as happiness or contentment..

Day 4: Visit the Nursing Home

Spend time with the elderly at the nursing home. You can play or just chat.

Day 5: Share Things With Siblings

If you have siblings, offer to share something with them that day.

Day 6: Create a Card for Someone

Create a thoughtful card for someone you care about. It can be a birthday, an anniversary or just to say hello.

Day 7: Give Charity

Set aside a portion of your pocket money or salary to give to charity or something you care about. Find a charity you love and donate. Volunteer at a charity in your area. (animal shelter, soup kitchen, food bank always at children’s elementary school) Do what you can for the stage of life you are in. 

Day 8: Help your Neighbour

Offer to help a neighbor for work. You can help them with gardening. You can rake leaves, mow the lawn or pull weeds.

Day 9: Call a Grandparent or Friend to Say Hello

Spend time reading to a younger sibling or cousin.

Day 10: Compliment Yourself

Be kind to yourself. Choose to give yourself grace. If you feel negative thoughts about yourself, replace them with compliments!.

Day 11: Do Extra Chores

Offer to do extra chores like washing dishes or folding laundry. 

Day 12: Baking Cookies

Make cookies and share them with your family, friends or even neighbors. Bake delicious cookies and give them, preferably those you don’t even know of.

Day 13: Write Kind Words

Write positive messages on rocks and leave them in the park for others to find.

Day 14: Let Someone in Front of You in Line

When you are in line, let someone in front of you if they only have a few items.

Day 15: Expressing Gratitude

Add a few extra bucks to the tip, smile and give your servers a sincere thank you! Be sure to make eye contact and let them know you see them. of.

Day 16: Create Care Packages

Create care packages for those in need, whether homeless or on hard times.

Day 17: Put Change in the Machine

Leave the change in the machine for the next person to use.

Day 18: Acknowledging and Uplifting Others

SMILE!! I can’t tell you how much someone’s smile and nod can make my day. I struggled with depression for years and often felt completely invisible. On those days, when someone took the time to acknowledge my existence and make me feel seen, it made me feel a little better and stronger. Help people around you feel that THIS is a big deal, people!.

Day 19: Have Lunch With Someone New

Invite someone new to lunch, whether it’s a co-worker or someone new from school.

Day 20: Encourage Someone

Give someone a pep talk and remind them of their strengths and abilities.

Day 21: Help Clean Up The Mess

If you see someone struggling with a mess, offer to help them clean it up.

Day 22: Tell Your Parents You Love Them

Take a moment to tell your parents how much you love and appreciate them.

Day 23: Clean Your Room Without Asking

Surprise your family by cleaning your room without asking.

Day 24: Donate Food to the Local Food Bank

In 30 Day Kindness Challenge of day 24, Go through the pantry and donate non-perishable items to the local food bank.

Day 25: Write a Appreciation Letter to Your Loved Ones

Write a heartfelt letter to someone you care about, whether it’s your grandma or your best friend.

Day 26: Hug

In 30 Day Kindness Challenge day 26, Hug someone to let them know you care.

Day 27: Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a child in need through a reputable organization.

Day 28: Appreciate the One Who Influenced You

Get the email address of the author, teacher, coach, blogger or influencer who inspired you and send a thank you! It means the world to them. of.

30 Day Kindness Challenge | Day 29: Make a Bird Feeder

Create a bird feeder that you can hang in your yard to provide food for the birds.

Day 30: Ask Others to Continue the Good Deeds

Spread the message of kindness by asking others to join you in daily acts of kindness.

Each and every little act of kindness takes only few minutes, but it can make someone’s day. And who knows, you might find that doing something nice for someone else makes you feel pretty good too. This 30 Day Kindness Challenge straight helps you spread positivity and kindness in the world. So why not join the challenge today and start making the world a nicer place, one random act at a time?.

Attitude: The Essential Key to Success

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. 

-Maya Angelou.

People often talk about “attitude of gratitude” and while I think, to me the most important thing is the attitude we bring to every situation we find ourselves in. Anything is possible. if we act according to the situation.

With the right attitude we can overcome all obstacles in our way and the ability to present the right attitude or change our attitude when the situation calls for it. This is the secret of success in life.The right attitude can be gratitude, flexibility, acceptance, readiness, positivity, etc….

The Right Attitude is The Key to Success

It has been said that “Attitude is everything”.By definition, an attitude is a habit, attitude, feeling, position, etc. regarding a person or thing; tendency or adaptation, particularly,of the mind.  Attitude is something that is most important to achieve success in life. No matter if it is our private life or our professional life, all you need is the right attitude according to the situation. 

What do people mean when they say that “attitude is key”? It means that your attitude toward a certain situation and point of view have a vital influence on how you proceed towards life and its. It means that a positive attitude will help you overcome hindrance and accomplish your objectives. 

Attitude is an option we choose each and every day. It is totally our choice wether we choose a positive or negative attitude. Our choice determines how we perceive and react to the world around us.Your attitude can determine your success in life. Your attitude towards your life can create a huge difference between accomplishing your goals and failings. 

“Our attitudes determine our success and happiness more than any other factor in life.”
-Jimmy Evans.

How our Attitude Can be Signal of Success:

Your attitude can be a chief anticipator of your success. A positive attitude towards situation helps you conquer obstacles and let you focus on your life objectives. It can help you stay focused even when things get rugged. A positive attitude can also help you build resilience and bounce back from setbacks.Your attitude can also affect your ability to learn and develop.

When you have a positive attitude, you are wide open toward new challenges, purpose and viewpoints that life can offer you. You face challenges, give new things and stage a shot of your usual range of familiarity. An uplifting outlook can assist you with fostering a development mentality, which is fundamental for individual and expert turn of events.

The Power of Attitude

A successful attitude is not something you have or don’t have – anyone can develop it. Successful people perfect three solid attitudes to help them manage people effectively: 

1) “I’m Activated,” 

2) “You Matter,” 

3) “Service First.”

What Attitude Successful People Adopt:

What are their thinking patterns that make them very successful? This is an interesting area that I would like to analyze and take a deep dive. As the cliché goes, successful people don’t do things differently, they just do things differently.

I believe these are the 12 attitudes that make our life easier and more enjoyable:

They Define Success on Their Own Terms: 

This is really the most important step for everyone. Without defining what success means to us, it is very difficult to be satisfied or happy. One of the best definitions of success I have come across is Earl Nightingale: “Success is the gradual realization of a worthy ideal.” This means that if you move towards something you want, you have succeeded. It doesn’t matter if others consider it a success. The only thing that matters is whether you are happy with that definition of success. Comparing ourselves to others usually doesn’t work because we don’t know what their definition of success is.

They Don’t Care What Others Think 

People who want to be successful in life don’t care what others think. They are completely focused on what they want out of life and don’t need the approval of others to feel good. They have a strong self-confidence. This is very important for all of us to know in our life journey. We as a whole have uncertainties, yet we can’t do what we need in the event that we’re continually attempting to get the endorsement of everybody around us. It will require investment to grow, however moving that way would be a decent beginning. In the event that you just spotlight on your opinion on yourself and just work towards your objectives, it doesn’t make any difference on the off chance that another person accomplishes something else. You would be glad for that individual, however at that point you return to chipping away at your objectives.

They are Intensely Action-Oriented 

All successful people have overcome their fears by being intensely action oriented. Every successful individual follows up on his own thoughts. As it is said that actions speak louder than words and activity is everything. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, they take action. While you may not necessarily in all cases get what you want, making a move will essentially place things in support of yourself.

They don’t Humble Themselves 

You have to be your biggest cheerleader. Achievers realize that anything advantageous requires some investment and there are inescapable disappointments en route to progress. They say nothing that pushes down them. They generally search for the seed of positive advantage in each negative. They consider disappointments to be impermanent and not an impression of their internal identity regard. It’s a given that we as a whole fizzle, yet the way in which we keep our spirits up when things turn out badly eventually decides our success.

They don’t Connect Things 

Many of us think that when something goes wrong in one area of ​​life, something else goes wrong too. However, true high performers know that there is no connection between these two events.If they succeed in more than one thing, they don’t anticipate failure. We ought to all realize this, on the grounds that occasionally when things are going excessively well, we think something will undoubtedly turn out badly. Nonetheless, this is misguided reasoning that doesn’t push us ahead. Achievers never harp on things and acknowledge anything great occurs. When something turns out badly, we figure out how to acknowledge it and spotlight on the areas we are great at.

They are Adaptable 

In today’s working world, one of the most important qualities is the ability to remain flexible in the face of change. You might have made arrangements, however even the best laid plans turn out badly when new occasions happen. Never stall out in one perspective and be adaptable to change with new input. This is a key characteristic of all the best artists. Flexibility is the main quality a 21st century leader need.

They See Themselves as Entrepreneurs 

Successful people see themselves as the CEO of their careers and lives. They make sure that they always consider themselves the owners of their business and take responsibility for their careers. They are workable and at the very front of the learning revolution. Andy Grove referenced this way in his brilliant book Only the paranoid survives. He said that everyone should take responsibility for their own career.

They Have Big Hairy Audacious Goals 

Successful people know exactly where they are going and have big, long-term career plans. This is the way in to their energy. At the point when you have a major objective you’re pursuing, momentary misfortunes don’t influence you and you continue to push ahead. Putting forth objectives in all aspects of your life will keep you spurred all week long.

They Want Feedback 

No matter how good we are, there are areas we can improve. Achievers know that the best way to gain from them is to get input from a chief or mentor. They are completely open to suggestions and change their weaknesses. This is additionally the way to care practice. 360-degree input is one more famous device to get a total image of your situation. It is not easy, but it is necessary to move forward.

They are Fervent Optimists 

Successful people are optimistic about the future. As is very much said, successful individuals consider the glass to be half full. They generally search for the positive qualities in each circumstance and have profound appreciation. If you are optimistic, you can more readily deal with disappointment and disillusionment. They partner with positive individuals and remain away.